Troubleshooting FAQ

If issues persist or are not covered here, please reach out to ArchMill Applications Support

The ArchMill is not scanning.

  1. Navigate to the Reboot menu by pressing the settings cog ⚙️ in the upper right corner, then pressing Reboot at the top of the menu options.
  2. Press Pi to reboot the Control system.
  3. Attempt the trim process again.

The ArchMill doesn’t begin trimming once I press start.

  1. Press Cancel.
  2. Attempt to start the trim process again.

If you notice a Cmd Server Down message at the top of the screen shortly after attempting to start the trim:

  1. Navigate to the Reboot menu by pressing the cog in the upper right corner, then pressing Reboot at the top of the menu options.
  2. Press BBB to reboot the Mechanical system.
  3. The Mechanical system will take about 6 minutes to reboot, showing NC Connected and a red Home Axes button when it is fully initialized.
  4. Attempt the trim process again.

The ArchMill shows an error once I begin trimming.

If, when you begin a trim, you notice that your machine correctly trims but displays the error INTERP_ERROR, please reach out to ArchMill applications support.

  • This error is related to a mismatched mechanical system software version and we will be able to remotely connect to the machine to resolve this issue.
  • When reaching out, please note any preferred, inactive hours (and time zone) so we may perform this manual update without interrupting your use of the machine.

Contact ArchMill Applications Support