Details covering all the information about the patient.
Each patient created in the Dashboard or Desktop App has a patient record. This record keeps all the relevant information regarding treatment planning and production easily accessible.
Patients created in the Dashboard need to fill out all their relevant information. If a patient gets created in the Desktop App, in addition to the name and the uploaded files, you can edit other patient information, photos, and prescription in the patient detail page.
Photos can be uploaded as individual files. If the patient got imported first in the Desktop App, then you can upload photos & x-rays later by clicking the icon on .
Appointment Date can help you with recording & checking the treatment appointments with patients.
The created date of this order.
You can review the prescription in order details.
3D Models are the scan files(.stl, .obj, .ply) that create the treatment plan. You can download them in order details.
You can check the progress and status of the order.