How IPR is calculated, adjusted, and reported


Interproximal reduction (IPR) gets automatically added whenever two teeth move into contact with each other. An equal amount of material gets removed from both teeth. A red line represents the area of collision, and a number in millimeters above the area of contact displays the amount of IPR.

Incremental IPR adjustments

Incremental IPR adjustments

You can add or remove IPR between any two teeth in 0.1mm increments by clicking the Up or Down indicators above the interproximal space. It does this by reducing the arch circumference without changing inner-canine width.

To hide the IPR amount, click the IPR button in the lower left-hand corner.

To hide the collisions, click the Collisions button in the lower left-hand corner.

When you export your models, an IPR report gets generated along with your models and saved with them. This report gives the total amount of IPR to perform at each location.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 12.29.04 PM.png

Tooth Numbering tool with third molars absent

Note: Make sure to use the tooth marking tool to indicate which teeth are missing so the software can generate an accurate report.