Managing patients on the Dashboard

The ArchForm Dashboard is for managing all your patients getting treated with ArchForm. It keeps track of where the patient is in treatment and production, as well as keeping all their records in one place.

The Dashboard organizes patients into seven categories. Each category shows which patients are currently in that category, their start date, and treatment product.


The workflow for In-Office alignment and ArchForm alignment services vary slightly in terms of moving patients through the categories.

ArchForm Alignment

If you are submitting a patient for alignment by an ArchForm technician or orthodontist, the patient gets moved through the first three steps by ArchForm. Once alignment is accepted, you take over and move the patient through the workflow.

  1. When a new patient gets created, they start in Unprocessed.
  2. Once ArchForm has accepted the case, we move it into Planning.
  3. When the case is ready for your review, we move it into Needs Review and send you a notification.
  4. When you are ready to proceed with the case, you can move it into Accepted. From here, moving through the categories is up to you.
  5. In Production is for cases that are currently getting manufactured.
  6. In Treatment is for patients that are currently going through treatment.
  7. Once a patient has finished treatment, they can move to Archived, where they can be saved and reviewed at a later date if need be.


With In-Office alignment, moving patients through the workflow is entirely up to you and how you organize your production.

Below is an example of how you can use the categories to organize your workflow.

  1. Unprocessed: All patients begin in Unprocessed, regardless of being created in the Dashboard or treatment planning software.
  2. Planning: Patients that are currently getting designed in the treatment planning software.
  3. Needs Review: Patients that need to be reviewed by the doctor.