Cloud storage

Uploading and Downloading cases from the treatment planning software

Cloud storage allows you to access your ArchForm patients from any device. Uploading a patient from the treatment planning software saves the patient to the Dashboard and enables you to continue treatment planning from any other computer with the treatment planning software.

A patient created in the treatment planning software gets saved locally automatically. Patients only saved locally have an Unversioned ****tag next to their name.

Unversioned patient saved only locally

Unversioned patient saved only locally

To upload the patient to the cloud, click Upload. A progress window appears showing the current status of the upload. Once done, you can close that window by clicking . The patient now has a version tag next to their name.

If you make any changes to a patient after saving it to the cloud, the Upload button glows and the word Modified appears next to the patient's name, indicating that changes are present only locally, and the patient should be uploaded again to update the cloud version. boarder.png

If you wish to download a specific version of the patient saved to the cloud, click Download. From the pop-up window, use the dropdown menu to select which revision to download. Once selected, click the Download button in the window.

Download menu in treatment planning software

Download menu in treatment planning software